The Native Creative


Abigail Ekue blog - events, musings, travel announcement, exhibits, photography

Paris Exposée 2020


Work from Bare Men will be part of TWO exhibits in Paris in October and November 2020!

The creators of the collective, Lusted Men, contacted me in 2019 to introduce themselves to me and ask if I would contribute work from Bare Men to their photography collection.

A few months after the original planned date of their first exhibit in Brussels (delayed due to the pandemic), they are now hosting IRL, in-person events.

The first is October 3 - 4 at Le Hasard Ludique. Marché de l'illustration impertinente is free and open to the public. LINK

Images from my Bare Men series will also be included in the Lusted Men exhibit taking place during the Festival Photo Saint-German from November 6 - 21. LINK

Unfortunately, I won’t be in Paris for the events but if you are and attend the exhibits, please do share your experience!